Imagine you had an awesome hangover last night, and you can not remember where you left your smartphone! The question is: What to do? If this happens to you or you have a friend who loses their...
Posts by Milan Mihajlov
How to search YouTube or Website content right from Chrome address bar and save time
Most people know they can search the web by typing the keywords right in the Chrome's address bar, but there are two more Chrome search tricks. Actually, it is possible to search YouTube right from...
The new Chrome feature “Supervised users”: Step forward in online security
Google has recently released the new Chrome features "Noisy tabs" and "Supervised users". Although "Supervised users" feature is still in BETA, it gives us a clue what Google strives for. It seems...
From 31 opened tabs in Chrome I can immediately spot the tab where the music comes from
The latest release of Google Chrome (32.0.1700.76 m) gives you a possibility to quickly spot the tabs where music is playing in the background, whether it is YouTube, online Radio/TV or boring sounds...
I was thinking that having a master list of all available free online storage providers would be a great benefit not only for me, but for all of the readers of this blog. Amazon Cloud...
People are very visual creatures and this is reflected in the way Internet users perceive content they come across. They are more likely to send or share a video, infographic or other visual...